Friday, June 6, 2014

Memories of Gabrielle Mae Ross

One year ago tomorrow you left us, and to quote the poet from the last post, we're working hard to make that all alright.

Of course no one knows what to say... Like how many people have lost a child? And you can't make anything better with words. And that's okay.

But I'll tell ya what bereaved parents (especially mothers) absolutely love, is when they hear other people talking about a memory or story about their child who passed. Or even how their child made them feel. Or how they made them think about something. Or inspired them. Or anything.

There's a light out there. We all have it. And, if you don't mind, both Amy and I would be eternally grateful if you shared one of those memories or moments or feelings or thoughts you have with Gabrielle right below (like in the comments section).

It would be the biggest gift to us... just to hear and see and read that Gabrielle's light and love and laughter is still flickering away in more than our own souls... and is alive and well.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Our Little Buddha

It's almost been a year since she left. Gabrielle was our little Buddha. Re-watching pieces of this documentary with Amy tonight (see below) compelled me to share a few quotes with whomever still visits here:
"Everybody understands suffering. It's something that we all share with everybody else."
"No matter what your circumstances you will end up losing everything you love, end up aging, you will end up ill, and the problem is that we need to figure out how to make that be all alright."
"When I know the glass is already broken, I know every minute is precious."
That last one couldn't better capture our time with little Gabrielle.

I should also share that I just can't help but view our indulgent society with all its frills and luxuries akin to Buddha's childhood palace with its material and egoistic ambitions... and how utterly afraid everyone is to hurt and suffer... and how "un-real" that world view is.

I've long, long wanted to share these thoughts and parallels with Buddhism to our time with Gabrielle. I couldn't explain the former to you any better than this documentary does:

"The Buddha saw death and life as inseparable. These are two sides of the same thing. Death is always with us. Death is part of the whole large unknown. And if we are unable to smile at the idea of the unknown, then we're in real trouble."