Friday, October 31, 2014


Dearest Gabrielle,

Do you remember this?  This was your last Halloween with us on earth.  Your big brother James was in Kindergarten and I took the two older kids (you and Michael) to the school while Jonny slept to watch Jimmy's class parade through the school in their costumes and sing songs afterwards.  I dressed you up in your lady bug costume that I still have hanging in your closet.  How I miss having you in my arms.  How I miss bringing you up to the school.

Today, 2 years later, Michael had his parade and songs in the Kindergarten classroom but he wouldn't dress up and he wouldn't go into the class until all the moms and dad's had left and the classroom had returned to a semi normal state.  He insisted I hold his hand the whole time we paraded through the school and he was the only little boy without his costume on.  I didn't mind, I was so proud of your brother anyways.

I miss you beautiful girl.  Look how happy we look together, you lit up every room you went in Gabrielle.  You were so special.

Happy Halloween.


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