Thursday, August 2, 2012

Respite: Gabrielle at Canuck Place (August 2012)

I love Canuck Place! Total life-saver for us after the month that July was. Please consider sponsoring Brenda BallBenjamin Ross, or Julie Ross for the Canuck Place Fundraising Adventure Challenge. The kids and families here (including us) are so, so grateful for everyone's generosity, and I (personally) am grateful for living in a society where people  make efforts to take care of those who are less fortunate.

Here's a little video of Gabrielle playing tetherball at Canuck Place:


  1. I think i met Gabrielle when she first came to the house! I haven't been able to do a shift in a very long while...but I think I remember her when she was much tinier! I have done ALL 7 adventure races! Will do both again this year!!

  2. That's awesome Malcolm. We'll see you at Cultus Lake this coming September!!

  3. I love this video!! The way she squawks after she hits it, I was crying from laughing. She clearly has her momma's volleyball genes.
