As you know Gabrielle had her line inserted yesterday afternoon. She did really well and is still recovering from the procedure. She seems to be really sore and uncomfortable, but the Tylenol seems to help her. I'm not going to talk about how my heart is breaking, how shaken I was to see her line coming out of her little body and how it signaled the 'start' of her BMT, how lonely the house feels and how hard this journey is going to be for her, us and the two boys. I am only going to focus on the positive and all the great things that happen while at the hospital.
So I here I go:
1. I get to have as many Starbucks coffees without feeling guilty
2. She made it through her first major surgery and in true Gabrielle fashion, came out from the O/R alert and pulling at the tubes and wires.
3. I get to watch TV in the room.
4. I get to ride on top of hospital beds through the hallways
5. I don't have to worry about the boys being sick anymore and spreading their germs to Gabrielle!
6. I get to buy food in the cafeteria and the restaurants (although that novelty wears off really fast!).
7. I get to spend all my time with Gabrielle
8. She has access to the best medical care ever!
9. I am starting to recognize so many of the doctors faces when I walk down the hallway and I know my way around the entire hospital!!!
10. I get to alternate from hospital bed and then back to our bed at home
11. I get to meet lots of interesting nurses, doctors, and other patients.
12. I learn about 'perspective' every day
13. I'm learning lots about hospitals and how they work with their Pediatricians, Fellows, Sr Residents, Jr Residents, Medical Students and Nurses. As a result, I really want my kids to become doctors. An amazing career!
14. My boys get to come and visit Gabrielle at the hospital which they absolutely love doing!
15. I have learned to appreciate every minute with my boys, even when they're whining and we're exhausted!
Tomorrow is the last day before her first day of Chemotherapy treatment which is coined Day minus 10. Day 0 will be transplant day. Although, I know the journey will be tough for our little Gabrielle, I have faith that she will fight her way through.
You are always on my mind Gabrielle. I love you.